Find resources, videos and all kind of tools to help you invest your time

A lot of students need to have something to do during their free time. This could be some hobby, having a social life, or developing some useful skills for life. Thinking about the moments when we waste time, we have thought of some resources to take advantage of them.

Resources for students
  • Here you will find the resources we are talking about


Here you will find some videos that youth people made in order to show the challenges they had to face during this times!

    In these times of pandemic our world, with all its educational and social interactions, has shifted online. This has taken most of us by surprise and made it difficult to prioritize, focus, or even organize our daily lives. Suddenly, many ordinary things, such as studying, concentrating, alternating between work and leisure, or taking […]


Find information to help you in your personal growth!

Mentoring is a supportive learning relationship between a volunteer who shares knowledge and wisdom with another individual who is ready and willing to benefit from this exchange. If you decide to be mentored, you will gain practical advice, encouragement and support; increase your social and academic confidence; become more empowered to make decisions; as well […]

Resources for mentoring


CHILDREN ARE NATURAL LEARNERS As teachers, we all have heard about how difficult and important education is, how the society is changing, how hard it is to face education nowadays with the emerging technologies… Have we heard about how to change it? Have we heard about how to really help our students? Have we stopped […]

Resources for the teachers